It is understandable to think that an interview will be a nerve wracking experience; however you should try viewing it as your opportunity to shine!
Before going to an interview with a potential employer, it is essential to make sure you have fully reviewed the clients web site, are comfortable with the brief given by us and have spent time thinking about what you want to get from the interview.
It is also important that you ask questions too. Questions from you are a great way of showing you have understood a question posed, they give a glimpse of your knowledge and experience which can then be further probed by the interviewer, and in some cases can demonstrate initiative in attacking a problem before it has presented itself.
Practice is essential when preparing for an interview. Candidates should practice answering interview questions, and their responses to questions which will likely be posed. Try to think of, and note down, actual examples you can use to describe your skills and experience. Providing the interviewer with evidence of your successes is a great way to promote your candidacy.
Try to give example, where appropriate, throughout the interview as a means to backing up your answers. This will again confirm understanding of the subject matter and will provide the interviewer with an insight into your character and experience.
It is also a worthwhile practice to try and relate any examples given in the interview to the job itself. Demonstrate to the employer that you have researched their company, understand their values and mission. This will offer an indication that you would be a better fit into their company.
On the day of the interview, make sure that your interview attire is neat, tidy and appropriate for the type of company you are interviewing with. Bring a nice portfolio, complete with copies of your CV. It is also wise to bring a pen and paper for note taking throughout the interview.
Be On Time
Punctuality is essential for all companies. As such, it is essential to be on time for your interview. On time means five to ten minutes early, definitely not walking through the door when the interview is about to start.
If need be, take some time to drive to the office ahead of time so you know exactly where you are going and how long it will take to get there. If there are extenuating circumstances which will likely prevent you from reaching your interview on time, be sure to call the company and inform them of why you will be late. Give an indication as to how long you will likely take to reach them, and ask if they are still happy to receive you at this time.
No one likes to be kept waiting, so being proactive and informing them will paint a better picture of you than if you were to just not show up on time.
First Impressions
Never underestimate the importance of making a favourable first impression. Research shows that interviewers are swayed by how people dress, act and walk through the door and that many managers will likely make a hiring decision within the first 90 seconds of meeting you.
Eye contact, a firm handshake, conservative rather than fashionable clothes, good posture and a smile all count in your favour. Don't leave the first few seconds to chance. Ask a friend to assess the impression you make, which is ideally one of poise and polish rather than visible anxiety or over-confidence.
It is important to remember not to neglect your exit either. You might be relieved that it's all over, but remember professional courtesies and end positively with thanks and a handshake.
Keep Calm
There is nothing more stressful in life than being sat in a room with a number of people with the focus of the attention being on you. However, it is this situation that you try to relax and remain as calm as possible.
Should you feel like the interview is getting on top of you, take a moment to regroup, have a drink of water or simply ask for a moment to regain your composure. Interviewers aren’t out to actively sabotage your interview; they understand the interview process so should have the patience to allow you a moment.
Always listen to the entire question before attempting to offer an answer and pay attention, there’s little more embarrassing than forgetting the question.
Follow Up
Once the interview is over, the wait begins. It is possible that in your interview you will be given a date or a number of days in which you will likely be contacted by them with a response. If this does not happen, give them a call and speak to your interviewer. If they have filled the role, ask if you can have some feedback on your performance and if there's anything they highlighted which you could have done better.